Tagarchief: improve

iPhone Battery Life

My iPhone had a battery life of some 24 hours, which I thought really sucked. I tried deactivating 3G, GPS, PUSH and Bluetooth, but that didn’t make any real difference.

iPhone is phun!

iPhone is phun!

Then I deactivated wifi – whoaa!! This increased battery life with at least 400 % (no kidding!). Example: I charged my phone about 36 hours ago, and it’s still sitting at a comfortable 75 %. This is with normal use (some calls, some e-mail, some games, some internet, some music, plus I didn’t switch it off during the night). This is even better than my old phone, where I also used to switch off wifi for the same reason.

Now I only activate 3G/wifi when I need to, so I don’t have to listen to that slurping sound of the battery all day long. Might work for you, too.

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